Thursday 19 March 2009

Lucy's Musings

I just wanted to air a few of my thoughts on our project so far and give more of an indication of where I hope we're going with it.

I am not interested in going after the bad guys, or counting litter for a survey, or telling people off for littering, or create unnecessary paperwork.

I just want a clean beach.

The MCS do a lovely job of producing qualitative and quantitive reports, the good beach guide, surveys, impact on marine life etc...

SAS do a great job of lobbying government for cleaner waters, raising awareness and educating water users of sewage problems.

But nobody seems to take responsibility for just getting the job done. Y'know, getting your hands dirty and picking up the crap.

They rely on volunteers to do this and overwhelm them (and indeed us) with paperwork...loads of it! It's enough to put anyone off - particularly a volunteer who just wants to spend a little time doing something good for their community. The council's aren't going to do it - if you ring them and ask who is responsible, they genuinely don't have a clue.

But it's no-one's fault. They're all bogged down with other things to do. Which is why we want to do it. We want to take responsibility, we want to clean it up and make it fun. We'll do the paperwork and the organising, you just need to don your marigold's and join us on the beach!

This has inspired me and may inspire you too...

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