Monday 9 March 2009

there are no stakeholders

Lucy has made me tone down my post, and it was a bit of a rant. What got my goat is the frequent reference to 'stakeholders' in so much of the guff about beach management (another term that makes me wince) that's out there. I know it is a useful catch-all phrase but it is so often used by governments and councils and quangos to mean the people who really should be consulted in detail, but who will actually be ignored and excluded. So in our little campaign there will be no stakeholders. To be an eco-hippy for a minute, if you want to be involved, then we all have a stake in the state of the beach - managed or not - and it's all of our responsibility.

And if I'm coming on all political, I might as well state a manifesto which we will, unlike most politicians, genuinely attempt to honour.

There will be no blue-sky thinking here. No committees or steering groups. No one will drill-down. No one will data-mine, crunch-numbers, run anything up a flagpole and all thinking will be inside of the box. There will not be a target market and nothing will be aimed at key demographics. It will just be a bunch of people who care and are prepared to do a little something about it. So there.

What's the point of a blog if you can't rant a bit.

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